Welcome to Grysland. It almost looks like a normal place, but once you step inside it is like following Alice down the Rabbit Hole. Our normal is the stuff movies are made of!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Comic Con update 8/14/11

You will be happy to know if there is ever a zombie appocolypse, some are ready.  there is some kind of nation wide emergency response team, no kidding, who respond to national disasters, which can include zombies.  Ummmm whatever!  But on to the  report. covering the last 2 days...
Nerd update: Jake is beyond speechless. Patrick Stewart came up and talked to him for "at least 2-3 minutes". Jake froze in the face of stardom and Zach had to talk for him. Sir Patrick asked Jake to think of a good question to ask him tomorrow at the question and answer session, so Jake is thrilled that he will get to 'talk' to him again. Though alas no photo as of yet, cause autograph and photo op was $70! But the man left his table with a line of people with $70 in their hand and went to the side to actually talk to Jake!  The quasi playboy girls, called the Suicide Girls fell in LOVE with Jake.....just great.

On another note, Just found out that the Horror Movie convention is here at our hotel. NOt as large as the comic book one, but the guy who plays Freddie Kruger and the one that plays Jason from Friday the 13th are both here. Zach talked to the makeup people who do those two guys, he was pretty stoked. When they got back to the room and told me this, it made sense to me about my face to face run in on the elevator with the bloody clown. Full makeup, he was getting off as I was getting on. WOW! Really?
The guys just arrived. They met a professional makeup artist in the lobby of our hotel. She is meeting them in the morning (happens to be staying on the same floor that we are, LOL) and she is doing their zombie makeup, Jake is excited that he does not have to use the blood that Zach made out of Karo syrup. She is using her stuff! The photos should be awsome. They also had a guy who has a comic book series called Redeemers, (yeah I know right!) anyway, he had comic books with a blank cover, so he did a characature of Zach and Jake in their super hero costumes and drew it on the front of his comic book then signed it so they are the star of the comic book! The artist that draws the Iron man cartoon came up to Jake to talk to him. Then he gave him a thing that he drew of ironman and signed it!
 Patrick Stewart told Jake he will be looking for him tomorrow. Jake is busting, can't sleep, thnking of the 'perfect' question to ask that will earn him a free photo op, LOL what a little planner! He is also all excited about James Marsters. OOOzing enthusiasm!
‎2 boys still asleep, better get them up and feed them, they have a makeup appointment at 10am. LOL Zach warned Jake he will not like it because latex will be involved to make fake skin and injuries, or rotting flesh or some such thing......IDK!!!!

Spent over an hour and between the professional makeup artist, and me, a mom who can fix about anything, we have two bloody zombies.  'Monk' was grossed out at first but finally stopped gagging and was very tolerant of it. I mean it is full makeup, with fake skin made of cotton and liquid latex, then painted. Then fake blood (made out of velvet cake mix by the way) on his clothes. Slap on a tie and a top hat and viola....a zombie evidently. IDK, never seen a zombie movie, but he looks like all the other nerds here. LOL  Off they go...
Back with a report, the Patrick Stewart Q&A session was a bust.  The big nerds pushed the little nerd out of the way so he did not get to ask the question he worked on all night! Darned old big nerdie comic jerks!  but he did get his photo taken with two of his fav actresses, they came up to him and talked to him.  One was from smallville, Alaina Huffman..he loves her. Then there is Falicia Day from Buffy the vampire killer,  The other is the little girl from the Walking Dead named Addy Miller.


We GOTTA get some real food. We have lived off of boxed doughnuts, gatorade, cheese crackers, trail mix, peanut butter sandwiches, and a little caesers pizza for 2 days. I need meat and veggies (yeah never thought I would hear me say that either).  They guys just came back, it is 8:30pm and they are starving.  I can not in good conscience hand them another peanutbutter sandwich!
Have you ever seen two zombies walking in the rain under a red umbrella? I just did :_)) the boys are off to the evening session after eating yet another sandwich.
So decided I did not care the cost, we tried to go to the hotel restaurant, 2 hour wait! I should have thought earlier of reservations, duh, the nerd/horror conventions have thousands of people in these hotels!   Ended up ordering Italian, delivered to the room. Jake is mad but it is the best this mother of the year could pull off at 9pm. Is this weekend over yet? Nope, zombie world is in full swing tonight. Scariest crap I have ever seen! Can you say adult halloween but full of hollywood? Holy Cow, I am keeping to my room reading a book, I don't even know who these people are that the boys are drooling over. I mean, who has heard of Cid Heig? Other than Zach Grys? LOL and he saw the guy that played Jason, or maybe it was Freddie Kruger, either way, the guy was getting on the elevator.

day at nerd world. The zombie bash is over. I have 2 'normally' dressed boys, who had milk and fresh fruit and doughnuts for breakfast, and off they went.  I on the other hand am packing up a room full of costumes, clothes, bloody makeup, food and souvieners and waiting it out.  I did get a 3pm check out time (thanks you priority gold club!) so I only have to sit in the lobby for 2 hours waiting for them to wrap it up.  It is like going to Disney, so much to do, so little time!  They are having a ball and that is all that counts, though they are exhausted.  Zach rolled in at 5am.  He had a blast on the zombie bus after putting Jake to bed.  He met lots of people from the horror flash back convention.  They did miss the Zombie ball because Jake was just too wore out, his back has been killing him all weekend, but the little tiger pushed through it, with is best friends hydrododone and dilaudid on board!  Zach de-zombied Jake in the bathtub and tucked him in before he went back out so he missed the ball also, but I think the party bus made up for it.  Oh to get home to dishes and dusting instead of blood and guts and scary clowns!!  I would say that this is a guy thing, but there are some weird chicks here!  Most look like a cross between a hard ass biker chick, a pink haired punk and Alice in wonderland.  Hard for an old woman to wrap her mind around.  One poor lady in the elevator had a special badge on and a young guy asked her who she was.  She was probably my age and she said I am Kelly (I think).  when I got back to the room I looked her up, she was one of the scream queens from the 70's.  Poor thing was here as a star and no one recognized her cause in the movies she is 20, now she is old as dirt, LOL.  I wanted to offer her some sympathy but how to do that tactfully?