Welcome to Grysland. It almost looks like a normal place, but once you step inside it is like following Alice down the Rabbit Hole. Our normal is the stuff movies are made of!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Well, the proof is in the pudding!  I am NO BLOGGER!  Has been almost a year, forgot I have a blog.  Everyone assures me this is just a 50something brain, I beg to differ and feel dementia is on the horizon.  Quick catch up.  #1 son engaged to be married 10/19/12 in Fort Myers Florida.  6 people on a beach wedding. He is working for CILA (I think those are the letters) being a case manager for people with disabilities in central Illinois.  Son #2 back from Chicago culinary school, working at the hospital doing phlebotomy for the radiology department, no woman on the horizon, but he is looking for a forever woman instead of a wild fun time, which is a step forward!  heavy sigh.  Son #3 still teaching special ed in an inner city school in Peoria, expecting baby #2 with his wife.  Daughter #1 still working at TCRC as a job co-coordinator for people with developmental disabilities (see can't remember her job title).  Twins are entering their last year of high school, they will be 21 in November, gotta find them a job cause they are not couch potato material.  Jake is Jake.  He is at this moment at comic con in Chicago with son#3.  Meeting stars, getting photos and autographs.  He worked for months making duct tape wallets to fund this adventure. 

Hubby is beginning his last year of teaching. Retirement looms in our future.  He is excited, I am leery.  What do I do with him all day.  He has been told he has to pack a lunch and leave at 8am, return after 3pm 5 days a week.  He has a choice, he can get a job, a hobby, volunteer or sit on the curb those hours, but he will not become couch potato material! LOL

In February we came very close to adopting a newborn with OI that we were told about.  We felt she deserved younger parents, so stayed in the background.  We really wanted her, but gave them a chance to find young parents.  God found her the perfect parents and I was blessed to meet her and her mommy in July.
We have had 3 foster babies since February.  One little angel we got at 10 days old.  She had PKU and a brain anomaly.  I did blood work on her 3 times a week.  We were to keep her until they found an adoptive family.  I thought it would be a while, but they found a WONDERFUL family for her in just 3 months.  We were thrilled for her, she will have a wonderful life with them.  Then we had a little 4 month visitor who stayed until she could move in with her sister in another foster home that will have them forever if they don't go home.  Now we have a tiny preemie who we will keep until she is well enough to go to a regular foster home with her sister.  She is on several meds and of course an apnea monitor.  A little challange because we were out of practice, but we have settled in because Steve really is a very active part of this little one!  She had gained a pound in 2 weeks!  She is doing great, doubt if we have her over 6 months if she keeps this up!

In July I took Jake to the OI conference in Washington DC.  He got to see lots of old friends and meet some new ones.  Everyone there either had OI or was a family member of someone with OI.  It is the one place where Jake feels like everyone else, (me too!)  Jake and I spent one day sightseeing, I carried him to the top of a double decker bus and he saw everything.  He loved it.  It was the first time I flew alone with Jake and the monster power chair.  Very challenging!  The day we left on the plane they called Steve to pick up our Preemie.  He flew solo for 4 days with a monitor beeping and struggling to get 2 oz in a teeny beanie every every 3 hours around the clock.  He did SUPER and earned his father of the year award!

Other than that just everyday grysland stuff.  I have lost a total of 185lbs. I had a bout of kidney stones in early July, then 3 weeks later,  and had to spend a day in the hospital, learned my lesson about recognizing danger with this new body, live and learn!  Abby fainted last week while I was taking a splinter out of her finger.  Zach is dealing with Kidney stones right now.  Bekah is doing well following her 2 life threatening surgeries in the last few years.  She takes pain pills for the back often, but blood pressures are great and she is very active.  Jake has something broken all of the time, but that is pretty much his normal at this point.

So life at Grysland rocks!  Later.....