Welcome to Grysland. It almost looks like a normal place, but once you step inside it is like following Alice down the Rabbit Hole. Our normal is the stuff movies are made of!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Quite the week!

The twins got off to school on Monday as did Daddy with no issues.  Wednesday was Lilly's first day, ever.  Her mommy and daddy and other grandma and Jake and Steve and I were all here when the bus came on her first day.  Rach went to put her on the bus, and the little angel in the parochial plaid jumper, blew a gasket.  I could see her grab her mom on the top step of the bus, I turned to her dad and said, "should I lend a hand?" (after all, I have had her 8 hours a day every day since she was born) he said, no, Rach could handle it.  About that time I hear the blood curdling scream and see her climb up her mom's body  over her head and grab ahold of the back of her hair.  I turned to the son-in-law and notified him that 'this is not going well'. tee hee.  Rachel carries the screaming bundle across the street to me and I head back across the street with said bundle thrashing around on my hip.  At which point the bus driver slams the door in my face and pulls away from the curb.  As I put said screaming bundle down on the sidewalk with an underwear wedgie and proceed to ask her how she intends to get to school.  She said she would ride the bus tomorrow.  I told her I was NOT taking her to school so before we drag our tails back across the street to the stunned audience, she better get a plan.  She decided her mom could take her to school and she could ride the bus home.  I told her she better get her butt on that bus if she wants to come home cause her mom, dad, grandpa and other grandma were all going to work, and I was too busy to come get her.  She did arrive home on the bus, an hour late, and soaking wet with sweat.  She notified me that they did not have air conditioning on the bus, again tee hee!  We later found out that the after school driver did not know who she was so after they took everyone else home they asked her what her name was, called the bus barn and brought her home.  That was a "God Gotcha!"  Day 2, no mom, no dad, no grandpa or other grandma.....Lilly and I put Jake on the bus, then watched another little boy get on the public school bus, then her bus pulled up, I walked her across the street, she started up the steps (while I giggled at the two little boys about 4th grade who were standing up to watch the show) I walked away, crossed the street and waved like we did it everyday.  Heavy sigh! Success, thank you Lord, I was up half the night trying to come up with plan 2 if she lost her mind again.  Arrived home 5 minutes after school got out, evidently she is the first stop....at least she is now!

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