Welcome to Grysland. It almost looks like a normal place, but once you step inside it is like following Alice down the Rabbit Hole. Our normal is the stuff movies are made of!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Livin the dream

So, a busy week, dong mundane, invisible things.  The finch have decided to multiply, right now I have 5 babies.  arghhh, I really don't need another living thing to take care of right now!  Finally sorted through and put away 4 boxes of books that got drug out during the search for garage sale items.  This included sorting through tons of cookbooks and giving some to Rachel.  Been dealing with daily headaches for Abby and Jake's continuing struggle with his right tibia.  Called today about Jake's wheelchair, they have had it over a week and this old one is falling apart.  I told them we either need the good one back, like now, or they are going to have to make a house call and tune up this old one, the footplate is almost dragging on the ground and it is stuck in a foreward position.  Jake asked me last night to enter him in some contests to win a trip to Disney, so I spent several hours online doing that.  Straightened up the house, ran the dust mop under the couches in the living room.  Bleached some cloth diapers that we picked up at a garage sale, preparing for Steve and Lindsey's baby.  He is due in 3 weeks, but they are thinking anytime now.  Trying to find something to get Lilly for her birthday.  The good news is I got the bills paid and have cooked dinner....  Such an exciting life!  LOL  Suzy homemaker I am not.  Although I do have to say that Sunday, Rachel and I gave it a shot.  I baked bread, roasted a chiken and some veggies and Rach and I attempted strawberry jam.  The jam itself ended up more like a syrup, but the canning thing went OK, all jars sealed.  We have more confidence for the next adventure which I am sure will have something to do with apples since we are taking a trip to Tanners Orchard Sunday.  Zach is wanting to drag out all of the halloween decorations.  Geeze, I don't know if I am up to that disasterous mess!  I mean between what we have and Zach's stuff (it IS his favorite holiday) I think we have over 10 tubs of crap.  ARGHHHH

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